The Course of True Love Club

"The course of true love never did run smooth."

William Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night's Dream.  

This proverb resonates with many, but it doesn't have to be this way for you anymore.

You have so much love to give, and it's just not OK that you struggle to find a partner who's gonna appreciate you for all you are.

This course will guide you through a transformation that will enable you to be ready and feel worthy of love. You will also get the tools to deal with the nerves that happen when you put yourself out there.

When you go back to the source, yourself, you will see that the course of true love is not only smooth, but it can also be joyful and fun.

The Course of True Love will help you be at ease and confident about love, dating, and relationships. You deserve to be cherished by a person who's deserving of all the love you have to give.

 You don't have to feel frustrated, confused, and hopeless anymore. Instead, feel empowered, confident, and eager to meet people. Enjoy dating and know that you can make the right decisions about love. 

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7 Modules

Millenia of Narrative that Keeps Us Feeling Disempowered in Relationships 

We will explore cultural influences that cause us to feel disempowered in our relationships. Awareness is the first step. Then you can actively try to change how you look at things. 

After you become aware of these narratives, you can recognize your own limiting beliefs about self, relationships, and men. 

Once you recognize your limiting beliefs, you can naturally make better choices about your behaviors and the ways you communicate. 

Finally, you can create new, empowering beliefs about yourself, relationships, men, and life in general. 

We will focus on the following: 

  • The cultural narratives that keep us women stuck
  • Understand how society created narratives cause us to feel disempowered when it comes to our love lives
  • Explore your own limiting beliefs stemming from these narratives
  • Discover tendencies that may be keeping you stuck
  • Reframe limiting cultural beliefs in ways that will help you feel empowered when it comes to finding love

What’s Your Love Story-Personal Beliefs that Cause You Lack of Confidence

We will dig into your family and your upbringing to help you discover limiting beliefs that cause you to struggle. We will rewrite your personal story, so you can break away from fear based mindset. 

Rediscover Who You Are and What Kind of Relationship You Want

Once you find yourself, everything becomes much easier. You attract the right people, you easily spot who's wrong for you too. This is the core of good relationship. 

Meet Mr. Right—All You Need to Know About Men in Relationships

It's essential that you understand men if you want to feel competent about relationships. Once you get to know them, you will feel much more at ease...

Feel Like a Muse Even if Your Guy Isn't a Poet

Stop overfunctioning and wondering where your relationship is going. The right man will show you all you need to know, and you will feel the way you are supposed to feel, adored, confident, playful... 

Get the Guy—Woman up and Date With Goals in Mind

Dating is different from when you were 16. I will give you all the tips you need if you are looking for commitment with a person that is right for you... 

You Are in a Relationship! What Now?

You are kinda in a relationship. Not sure where it's going. Friend, these are difficult times and knowing how to handle different issues is essential. I'm here for you. 

Modules for this product 7
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